Monday, November 21, 2011

deity chart

This is my Deity Chart. Its on another page, because it still has bugs.


Here is a list of the titans:
 Thea Gold, Silver, Gems, Sight f 
 Hyperion Light, rainbows m 
 Kronos Time m 
 Rhea Motherhood, Generation f 
 Mnemosyne Memory, Language f 
 Themis Law f 
 Iapetus Lifespan m 
 Koios Oracles m 
 Pheobe Moon, Stars f 
 Oceanus Rivers m 
 Tethis Fresh water f 
 Krios Constelations m 


Here are the gods of Olympus (by me):
 Zues Jupiter Storms, Sky 
 Posiedon Neptune Oceans 
 Hades* Pluto Wealth, Death 
 Hera Juno Marriage 
 Demeter Ceres Seasons, Harvest 
 Hestia* Vesta Hearth 
 Hebe* Dia Youth 
 Ares Mars War 
 Hephaestus Vulcan Forge, Smiths, Jewlery, Metalwork 
 Aphrodite Venus Love, Beauty 
 Athena Minerva Battle Stradegy 
 Artemis Diana Moon, Hunt, Childbirth, Wild,Dark 
 Apollo Apollon Sun, Poetry, Light, Music, Healing 
 Dionysus Bacchus Wine 
 Hermes Mercury Travel, Theivery 

greek gods family tree

This is the best family tree I could find. It's very accurate.

Greek gods of the sea (3rd gen.)

The 3rd Generation started with Posiedon, son of kronos and Rhea, and the neriad Amphitrite.

They had a son; Triton, who produced the Tritons, and the Neriads and the Tritons mostly made up the first generation.

Greek gods of the sea (2nd gen)

The second generation of sea gods is simpler than the first.

Oceanus [Titan of the rivers and seas], and his wife (and sister) Thetis [springs and fresh water], and there 3,000 kids [Oceanids] made up the second generation.

Some Oceanids:
 Klemene [Wife of Iapetos, mother of: Promethius, Epimethius, Menotius, Atlas]
Pleione [Mother of pleades]
Tyche [Chance]
Doris [wife of Nerus, mother of  Neriads]
Styx [(as in the river styx)wife of pallas, mother of : Nike, Bia, Zelos, Kratos]
Kalihoe [wife of Chrysoar, mother of Greyon]
Electra [Wife of Thaumas]
Eurynome [Mother of the Charities]
Metis [Mother of Athena]

Greek sea gods (1st Generation)

First thing's first; I do not belive in this. This is not to lead you astray or whatever.

Now, here are the gods of the sea

Pontus was the Ancient greek god of the sea. He was a child and husband of Gaia [Earth goddess].

He and Gaia had five children: Eurybia (Mastery of the Seas); Nerus (Creatures of the sea); Thaumas (wonders of the sea); Phorkys (Monsters of the sea); Keto (Dangers of the Sea).

Nerus and Doris [Oceanid] had the 50 Neriads;

Pkorkys and Keto had the Grays (Enyo, Denio, and Persis), the Gorgons (Medusa, Sthneo, Eurale), and Skyla (6 headed beast, belived to gaurd the Sea of Monsters);

Thaumas and Electra [Oceanid] had the Harpies, or stormy wind spirits, and Iris, the rainbow goddess.
[Harpies: Aello, Kelanio, Okypete, and Podarge];

Krios and Eurybia had Perses and Pallas;